through the mist we ran like hell

in one of the last summer weekends we went to my countryside for “Romuva” camp afterparty. It was just breathtakingly foggy and beautiful. We sang folk songs near the bonfire, we played guitars and drums and survived a horror-ish nocturnal attack of mutant hornets.
Travel through the mist with this amazing song “Summer Smoke” by “Cemeteries” (go listen to him, he’s not only very talented and for some reason still not known, but is also a very nice person, as he very kindly replied to my comments about his music and he even said my pictures are incredible).
Travel through the mist with this amazing song “Summer Smoke” by “Cemeteries” (go listen to him, he’s not only very talented and for some reason still not known, but is also a very nice person, as he very kindly replied to my comments about his music and he even said my pictures are incredible).
the summer smokefilled up the skyand then she spoke:
“let’s kill tonight”

6am, we still haven’t slept. Chasing mysteries.
Celebrating the Sun.
Dėkui! :}}
wow, so beautiful, love the location and that fog!
yes, I love my countryside, I wish that we would go there more often… thank you. :}
Net Laimis čia yra. Nu kodėl pasaulis toks mažas.: D
Haha, iš kur jį pažįsti?
Man jis vis tiek vis dar Žiogas nuo senų laikų, nežinau, kiek metų pažįstu jau. :}}
Ah, tik dabar pastebėjau, bet dabar atrašysiu. Žinok aš nebepamenu net iš kur, bet gal per draugus susipažinom, kai man dvylika buvo, plius jis netoli manęs gyevno Vilniuje. Haha, Žiogas jis ir man, gėda, bet vien dėl to, kartais net vardas užkrenta.: D