Sugar + Style fashion brand summer campaign

I’m back with another fashion brand summer campaign in a studio for Sugar + Style. I’ve really been liking and got used to shooting in a studio by now. I really like the green background we used for the summer in this fashion lookbook, I think it really compliments the picnic set that Jubbi built. So many cute dresses too! So I’d say this is one of my favorites I’ve shot for them in a studio so far. (Not without its challenges as usual, as the main flash kept not firing.)
Photography: Ailera Stone
Styling, set, creative direction: Jubbi
Model: Manuela
All my other commercial work can be found on this blog under commercial category.

Let me know which look from this Sugar + Style fashion brand summer campaign is your favorite below. What would you wear? I will post a real on my instagram soon that will show the light set up, follow me there – instagram@ailera.
Ailera x