Romuva 2011

In the begining of August I went to Romuva, Baltic religion and culture camp for the fifth time.

It’s always the most magical time of the summer, all the old folk songs, brilliant people and atmosphere. I will definitely go back there again next year. :}
I don't believe you will ever understand the feeling these photos give me
I wish I could've been there
looks like my kind of people 😉
I'd become Pagan if I wasn't already a Catholic
my friend's Pagan though.
I think it's very cool
So nice to hear it!
I have deep deep love and appreciation for the old religion, even though I don't call myself pagan (or anything else for that matter, I don't like labels).
WOW!! I love your photos and the way you edit them so much 🙂
ypur photos are pretty amazazig. Can't stop looking at them!
i want to be thare in next year! <3
Ailera, I love so much this pictures! All the time, the people you take photographs of are so different from what I see every day… I sometimes feel that I need to write something about them, to make them characters in my stories (I love writing). The locations in your photos become the space of the action (well, it happend just once, but I though I should let you know this…).
So, you inspire me. I would be so happy if you could post more faces of each person, if you can…
Just, I don`t know what else I should say. Thank you for being what you already are.
Roxa David
Your photos make me speechless every time!
this post is just magically beautiful Ailera.
Makes me want to dance around a bonfire barefoot with the sound of drums
You are awesome, seriously. much love <3
Beautiful photos of what seemed to be a magical summer 🙂
Roxa, wow, it would be so interesting to read some of it.:} I do that too, actually, sometimes photos of other people inspire me to make them characters in my stories.
and really, thanks a lot!
wow! i'm so amazed, the atmosphere looks so incredible, great photos! i'm following you!
oh my gosh, beautiful, i want to go there so much!
I really appreciate…..this is part of Lithuanian culture and identity… Catholicism is of very recent entity with only say 600 years in Baltic…It is totally unacceptable to say the old religion as Pagan….Old religion and its spirituality was destroyed by the new religion…that is the fact…But all religion and its spirits are of same and equal value….