Brighton seaside on 35mm film

I wanted to share some 35mm film diary shots from Brighton seaside. Back in 2021, in the middle of travel restrictions and after some more lock downs, I’ve been feeling extremely down. I felt like I haven’t done anything for a year and a half, haven’t seen the sun. Had all trips cancelled and no foreign trips in sight. So me and my friend Silvija decided to at least go to Brighton for a little vacation.
It was September, so in UK that means weather is likely to be very temperamental again. And it was – most days that week there was no sun, high wind and the evenings got cold very quick. We still had a very good time chilling and exploring Brighton. It was definitely a change of place at least.
And then for one day, we planned to take a bus further up the coast and do a long walk along the sea back to Brighton. The day turned out the best and sunniest out of them all. It felt amazing to feel the sun again on our faces. To watch, listen, smell the sea… The coast with the cliffs felt like the most beautiful thing we’ve seen in a long time. We even found the cutest little hidden beach, where it’s the best to just sit and relax.
I was so inspired by that day. It felt like rebirth. Like being alive again after a long winter. So inspired that I knew I would come back soon to do some proper fashion shoots / editorials in that location, and I did! (You might have already seen some results if you follow me on instagram @ailera.)
I took a lot on pictures on 35mm film by the Brighton seaside this day – let me know if you’ve been as well and where we should go next time we visit?
My other 35mm film / travel diary posts are on my blog here.