35mm film diary 2020 Summer / Autumn

I always bring a 35mm film camera with me. Film to me is exactly a real life nostalgic memory frozen, so I want to catch and keep it all alive. However, even though I intend on taking pictures everyday and of everything, usually it doesn’t work out like that. In this post I’m sharing my 35mm film diary from 2020 Summer / Autumn – most of the pictures here are from a few days when I remembered to take a lot of pictures.
Funny enough I actually have more film diary shots from 2020 than 2021. Especially since 2020 was a year we were all stuck and I felt like I didn’t do anything at all. Of course 2021 wasn’t that much better as I still didn’t go anywhere for a holiday (just back home to visit Lithuania). I don’t know how to remember to take a lot more shots while I’m out. It seems everyone else has so many dreamy shots of their beautiful inspiring life. Do you have any tips on how to remember to take more day to day pictures?
Let me know what you think below! And as always follow me on instagram for more pics and updates. My other film diaries are on my blog as well.

Autumn 2020 35mm film diary

Follow me on instagram and say hi there!
Ailera x